1. Revive my etsy shop (www.lucillejean.etsy.com)
2. Start a blog for my etsy shop
3. Experiment more (lace making anyone?!)
4. Explore more (New England has so many interesting places)
5. Dress up
6. Find a job that will pay my bills
I'm still working on the focus of my shop, a work in progress you might say. I love vintage, especially the 30s, 40s and 50s. I have a few vintage jewelry pieces and even some vintage clothing but I'm not sure I want to do that. I love making things. I started with headbands but have had some trouble selling them. Thankfully my friends are so supportive and have bought a few. Jewelry is not my favorite to make but people seem to like it. I guess I'll have to keep working and see what happens. Although I'm up for suggestions and advice from anyone!
Today I am working on a pair of felted mittens for my sister. I discovered felting recently and used a grey Ralph Lauren wool sweater to try it out. Don't worry, the sweater was second hand and was very boxy. My first pair worked well, so I'm excited to make more and add some cute vintage buttons. Will post pictures when finished!
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